
Z.A.P.-HikaHaru One-shot

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Literature Text

A Hikaru X Haruhi ONE-SHOT!
A.N.: Alright everyone! Here we go! So I think I should probably explain why this HikaHaru story is named Z.A.P. I'm still in middle school (9th grade)and me and my friends love playing Z.A.P. It's basically (for all of you who don't know the game) where you write Z.A.P. on the back of someones hand then write down a time then on said persons palm you write down something like 'You have to tell a random person you love them' or 'You have to yell [Insert word] in the hall way', pretty much a dare. The reason you write a time on their hand is because they can't read that dare until after the time. If they read it before the time they have to do it, if they read it after they don't. See now? Good. XD OK well enjoy the story! (My first one-shot O.O) Oh and this takes place around spring break which is the next day. XD  And I'm sorry if they don't use english letters! They do write in Kanji in this, the way I'm typing it makes it sound like they're using english lettering! DX ANYWAYS! Enjoy the story!
~Friday, 7:55, Ouran Academy~
The sky was light blue, barely any white clouds, and the sun shined brightly. The day was perfect, seeming like nothing could ruin it, a perfect way to start spring break tomorrow for all children of Japan. The wind lightly blew, making the leaves of the trees sway quietly. It was so calm, so peaceful... well, not all things can last forever.

"Kaoru, what are you doing?!" A boy yelled out. It was out on the fountain of Ouran Academy and one Hitachiin twin was not happy. Hikaru Hitachiin sat on the edge of the water fountain, trying to wriggle free of the grip his brother had on his hand. Kaoru Hitachiin, the younger of the twins, held tightly onto the wrist of the other, determined to not let go at any cost. He held a pen in the other hand and was writing something on the back of Hikaru's hand. The spiky haired red head stopped and thought a moment but then began writing again. Once he finished he turned over, much to Hikaru's unliking seeing as he was fighting to be free, and began writing on the other boys palm. Hikaru sat there, finally seeing there was no way out and giving up, wondering what the hell Kaoru could be writing. He was used to him and Kaoru pulling something like this on Haruhi or Tono but never expected Kaoru to pull it on him.

He could finally feel his hand as Kaoru lets it go, holding a smile. Hikaru gave a small glare and went to read what he'd written when Kaoru stopped him by grabbing his wrist again and moving it to where Hikaru lost the feeling again and couldn't read it.

"Hikaru, you can't read it yet! It's a Z.A.P.!"

Hikaru's eyes widened as he jerks his hand back and looks at the back of it. Clear as day there were the letters 'Z.A.P.' and the words 'After Host Club Meeting' written across the back of his hand. He gives Kaoru a look as if to ask 'Why the hell are you zapping me?' Kaoru gives a sincere smile, even though Hikaru knew it was fake, and answers.

"Well Hikaru, do you remember what we were talking about last night?"

It took Hikaru a minute to comprehend what his brother meant before he understood and a blush spread across his face.
~Last night, 1:43 a.m., Hitachiin Residence~

Hikaru didn't know what to do, didn't know what to think, didn't know how to act. She clouded his mind, making him think deeply on the feelings he was trying to process. Why was she so difficult to understand? Why was he so confused about her? Why did the very thought of the way Tamaki acts towards her bring him a sense of... jealousy? He turned over, lying on his back, his golden eyes staring at the ceiling. Movement next to him made him leave his thoughts and come back to the real world.

"Hikaru? What are you still doing up?" His twin brother Kaoru asks, turning towards him and looking at him. Hikaru didn't look back just kept staring. Kaoru could sense something was wrong and sat up, looking down at his twin. He saw the look Hikaru had in his face and became worried. The look of hurt, confusion, and jealousy was written all over the other brothers face. Kaoru had only seen this look in the host club, in classes, at home. He'd been seeing it a lot. And only when Haruhi was around or was being spoken about. Kaoru, being the one to know why Hikaru was looking and feeling so, understood why. He knew why whenever Haruhi was around Hikaru began to become nervous and always grew a blush. He knew why Hikaru always thought about her. Just like tonight. Hikaru's mind was set on the girl and the look he had matched every time he thought of her. Kaoru was worried about it, beginning to see the look more and more each day and knowing Hikaru was unaware of it. Unaware of how to express his feelings...

Kaoru sighs and says,"Haruhi... you're thinking about Haruhi..."

Hikaru kept the look as he closed his eyes. Kaoru gave a small smile and looked out the window, folding up his legs and wrapping his arms around them while resting his chin on his knees. He thought a moment then began speaking.

"You know, Haruhi really has changed all of us." Hikaru's ears perked up at the words and his eyes shot open to look at his twin. Kaoru felt his brothers eyes on the back of his  head and his smile grew. 'Got him.' He thinks, growing an idea.

"She has definetly changed Tono, too. He seems to be hugging and complimenting her more and more each day..." Hikaru could feel his stomach tie up in a knot and the feeling come back. The jealousy feeling.

"It seems to be only a matter of time until he finally confesses to her... when that happens... well, who knows what will happen..." And that's were he got him right where he wanted him.

"Haruhi would never accept the feelings of that idiot!!" Hikaru burst like a firework, jumping to his feet and holding his arms up in fists and holding them in front of him. His body shook and his heart beat quickly. Kaoru gave a surprised but amused look.

'There it is. He's finally admitting it... more or less.' Kaoru thought.

"What are you talking about? Then who else would confess to Haruhi? I mean, she might not accept the feelings of Tamaki but who else would confess? Not like anyone else likes her..."

Kaoru could see Hikaru calm down but could sense the feeling of sadness coming from him again. He knew what Hikaru was thinking, feeling, and waited for his response.

Hikaru turned slowly around and looked at his brother. He held a face that looked ready to cry but kept from doing so as his golden eyes meet Kaoru's. Kaoru sat silent, looking at Hikaru. The two were quiet for what felt like hours until Kaoru finally broke the silence.

"Hikaru, I know what you're feeling..."

Hikaru looked away, his hair now covering his eyes. Kaoru gave a light sigh and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling his brother down and sitting him next to him. Hikaru's hair still covered his eyes, not wanting his brother to see the tears growing in them. Kaoru gave a look of concern and put his hand on his brothers shoulder.

"You need to tell her," He said," You can't keep going day by day watching as that idiot gets closer and closer to her. Hikaru, you don't realize it now but if the two do get together you are going to be more broken than you already are. I know how much you care for Haruhi, I see how you act towards her, I listen to the way you talk about her. Hikaru, you need to tell her how you feel."

"What if she rejects me? What if she acts differently towards me? What if... what if she doesn't want to... to be friends anymore..?" Hikaru mumbles, fear of what could happen running through his mind. Kaoru gives a sad look, his small smile disappearing. He never thought about that. But he knew Hikaru was hurting by not knowing what would happen. What could happen...

"You never know until you try."
Hikaru came back from his memory train when he saw Kaoru's fingers snapping in front of his face and the twin yelling,"Hikaru! The bell just rung! We're going to be late to class!" Hikaru blinked and looked to see his brother running towards the doors. He gasped, hearing the bell, and lunged forward, bolting for the schools front door.
The two had made it to class 1-A five minutes later, breathing heavily from the run up the two flights of stairs they had to do. Their teacher scolded them and demanded they take their seats. They both nodded and turned to walk. Hikaru's heart stopped for a moment remembering where their seats were. On both sides of Haruhi. She was in the middle of them. She was a wall inbetween him and Kaoru. Leaving him alone. To sit next to-


He came back from his thoughts to the real world when the feeling of Kaoru poking him and his teacher speaking to him caught his attention.

"Mr. Hitachiin, would you please stop staring off into space and take your seat?"

Hikaru shook his head, his hair swishing, and blinked, walking down the aisle and taking his seat on Haruhi's left, Kaoru taking her right. Hikaru breathed in and took a look at her but quickly looked away when their eyes met.

Haruhi gave a confused look, wondering why Hikaru was acting a bit jumpy. He had been acting really weird lately, not talking to her as much and kind of avoiding her but now he was just acting completely unlike Hikaru. She turned and looked at Kaoru. His head rested on his hand as he stared forward, bored. The teacher was up and writing notes across the board. She looked to the writing as well and opened her notebook and began to take notes.

30 minutes had passed and the teacher had left the room for an urgent phone call he needed to take out in the hall. Haruhi set her pencil down on her notebook and looked at Hikaru. His head rested on his desk, asleep and lightly snoring.

'He's kind of cute when he's sleeping...' She thought, giving an admiring look. She then noticed something on the back of his hand. She leaned in a little and looked closer at the pen written words.

'Z.A.P.? What's that?' She thought, recognizing the hand-writing as Kaoru's. She then turned to the boy in question to find him playing on a Nintendo DS. She cocked an eyebrow as a vein popped on her forehead. 'Rich bastards....' She thought then shook her head.


He paused his game and looked at her. "Hm?"

"Why did you write 'Z.A.P.' and 'After Host Club Meeting' on Hikaru's hand?" She asks him.

Kaoru gave a surprised look then asks,"Don't you know what a 'Z.A.P.' is?" Haruhi gives a blank face and Hikaru becomes shocked. 'She's never played 'Z.A.P.' before?' He thinks to himself. He looked at Hikaru and saw he was asleep. His eyes widened then, wondering if Haruhi had turned Hikaru's hand around and read what he wrote on the palm. 'Oh, I hope she didn't read that!' He thinks, a worried look sweeping over his face. Haruhi notices the sudden change in mood and becomes curious.

"What is a 'Z.A.P.'? Is it a game or something?" She asks the red head. He looks back to her and gives a sheepish smile.

"Well, I guess you could call it that. Basically, you write the letters 'Z.A.P.' then a certain time like after lunch or something on the back of a persons hand. Then on their palm you write down something the person has to do. If they read what's on their palm they have to do it, no questions or exceptions, but if they read it after the time, they don't have to." Kaoru looked at Haruhi, seeing she understood for the most part what he said.

"Oh, so it is a game." A blunt way of putting it. At least she understood.

Haruhi then thought a moment then asked,"Does that mean we can read it since we aren't Hikaru?" Kaoru nodded, smiling, but was soon aware of the question and turned to see Haruhi looking at Hikaru, ready to turn his hand over to read what the other twin had written. Kaoru, afraid for Hikaru's sake of Haruhi to see, lunged forward and stopped her hand. Haruhi turned to look at her friend, wondering why he stopped her.

"I-I lied! You can't look at it! Only, uh, Hikaru can! Y-you can see it once Hikaru has!" He said, nervousness evident in his voice. Haruhi gave another confused stare but let it go as the class all gets quiet again and pay attention as the teacher enters back into the room.

Haruhi, seeing Hikaru still asleep, poked the red head, awakening him almost instantly.

"Wha-whatsat? Oh." He mumbled then noticed the teacher was back. He looked at Haruhi, taking glances every now and again while she was writing notes on what the teacher was saying. He also looked over at Kaoru but only got a wink and a thumbs up which he didn't understand but had a feeling it had to do with the 'Z.A.P.'.
The day had gone by slowly for Hikaru. The 'Z.A.P.' had been bothering him the whole time. Even through his lunch hour he couldn't eat because he was thinking so much about it. He had tried to talk to Kaoru about but each time Kaoru either avoided the questions or tried to get Hikaru to look at his hand. Hikaru really couldn't stand not knowing what his sneaky twin had written but he couldn't just look. He had to wait until after the Host Club then he'd be safe to see the dreaded writing. What if it had to do with Haruhi? Oh, how that made him want to read it more! But he couldn't.

'Damn you, Kaoru. What the hell did you write that was so important that I can't read it until after the Host Club?' Kaoru knew Hikaru couldn't wait that long. But he would. He would if it meant he didn't have to do something embarrasing that probably had to do with Haruhi. He could wait. He hoped.
The school day had finally reached an end and it was now time for the Host Club to start. Fan-girls all flocked to the third music room, excited to see the handsome men waiting inside. Haruhi walked in a few minutes before the girls all showed up and looked at her friends. Two members were missing though. Hikaru and Kaoru.

She walked over to Kyouya and looked down at him siting in a chair and writing in his mysterious black book. He didn't look up at her approach as he said,"Hello, Haruhi. Where are the Hitachiin twins?"

Haruhi shrugged and said,"I was about to ask you the same thing."

Kyouya sighed and closed his book as the sound of female voices and footsteps were heard coming.

"I'm not sure but they had better hurry or else they'll start losing us money."

Haruhi walks past bespectacled boy and headed to the chairs she usually sat at with her guests. She rested in the middle one and looked towards a sofa.

'Where could they be?' She wondered,' Where could Hikaru be...?'
Hikaru ran through the hallways, trying to hurry. He was late to the Host Clubs meeting today and wondered what 'Milord' would do to him. Most likely yell at him with which Hikaru would make a remark and send the blonde boy into his 'corner'. Hikaru laughed quietly at the thought and smiled. It soon disappeared as he saw Kaoru ahead leaning against the wall. He looked to be waiting for someone and Hikaru stopped in front of him.

"Kaoru? Why aren't you up in the Host Club?" He asks his brother, breathing a little heavily from the running. Kaoru looks at him with blank look then back out the windows of the hall.

"I was waiting on you. Have you read it yet?" The other twin asks, light curiousity in his voice. Hikaru stood straight, confused at first then understood. He shook his head.

"No and I'm not going to until after the Host Club meeting today. I'm not stupid, Kaoru, I'm not going to look at it." He answers, a tone of annoyance held as he said it. Kaoru sighed and stood up, done leaning against the wall. He had to get Hikaru to read it. How else would Hikaru have the guts to do exactly what was written there? He wouldn't meaning Kaoru had no other choice. He looked at his brother then shrugged and turned away.

"Fine, I guess you aren't brave enough then." Hikaru's ears perked at what Kaoru had said and he watched his brother begin to walk away.

"What do you mean I'm not 'brave' enough?" He sounded offended, never having Kaoru say something like that to him.

Kaoru stopped, a smirk covering his face while he spoke with his back to Hikaru,"You aren't. You're to scared to look at the 'Z.A.P.' when it's just a dare you have to do. Nothing bad. And it doesn't have to do with Haruhi or the club, it's just a dare."

Hikaru grew angry at being called scared as he yells out,"I am not scared!"

'Gotcha Hikaru!' Kaoru thinks.

"Then look."

Hikaru lowered his eyes and held up his hand. He stared at the letters on the back and pondered if it was a good idea to look. He didn't want to be called a coward but he had no idea what could be written. Kaoru turned his head slightly, his gold eyes watching as Hikaru stared at his hand.

'Come on...' Kaoru thinks, growing anxious.

Hikaru just stared. 'Should I...?'

'Come on, Hikaru...'

Hikaru breathed in deeply, closed his eyes, and turned his right hand over. Kaoru turned around, watching while Hikaru was hesitant to look. 'So close... just open your eyes Hikaru!' As if on cue, Hikaru's eyes opened and stared down at the pen marks on his hand. His heart froze and his eyes widened to where they almost popped out and a blush spread across his face. There, upon his hand, was written 'Ask Haruhi to meet you after school today and confess to her'. Hikaru couldn't stop re-reading the words until running footsteps caught his attention. He looked up to see Kaoru bolting away in a hurry. Hikaru, knowing why his brother was running, yelled after him.

"You said it had nothing to do with Haruhi!!!" The now pissed off boy glared after the fleeing one as he sighs and reads the words again.

'Damn you, Kaoru.'
Haruhi sat, entertaining her guests and drinking tea with them.

"So Haruhi, what are you planning to do over spring break?" A girl named Hitakumi asked, blushing at the 'boy'. Haruhi thought a moment then smiled at her.

"I'm not sure. Probably clean up around my house, spend time with my dad, go shopping-"

"You're planning on spending time with daddy?! Oooooh Haruhiiii!!!!" A familiar voice rang in the girls ears as Haruhi was swept out of her chair in a bear hug. She gasped for breath as Tamaki Suoh crushed the poor cross-dresser in a hug. All the girls in the room looked and grew hearts in their eyes watching the adorable scene. Huni giggled as Mori kept a monotone face and Kyouya just cocked an eyebrow.

"Tamaki... let me... go.... I didn't.... mean... you..." Haruhi says in each breath she gave. Tamaki stopped and let her go, grabbing her shoulders with tears in his eyes.

"What do you mean, Haruhi?! Of course you will! You just said you'd spend time with your dad!"

"I meant my real father, not you senpai." And with that answer Tamaki appeared in his 'corner'. Haruhi sighs and sweatdrops.

Everyone talked away, the hosts with the exception of Hikaru and Kaoru entertaining their guests. One girl, a fan-girl of the twins, walked over to Haruhi and asks,"Excuse me, Haruhi, have you seen Hikaru or Kaoru anywhere?"

Haruhi looks at the girl then over to the sofa where two look-alikes were missing still. She gave a questioning look then turns her attention back to the girl.

"I don't know. They must be late or something-"

But she was cut off as the doors flew open and one of the brothers in question ran in, looking like he had been running from something. It was Kaoru and he looked around at everyone. Tamaki, now out of his corner, appeared before the boy.

"Where have you been?! And where's the other?" The figure of the other twin no where to be seen.

Kaoru sighs and answers,"I don't know. He's not the happiest with me right now so I tried getting here before him." The red head walked past Tamaki and sat on the sofa that his guests were sitting around. They all began asking where his brother was and why he was mad at him and why he was so late. Kaoru answered each the best he could. He stops when the doors were opened again and the second twin walked in. He seemed to be in a bad mood as he headed for the sofa where Kaoru was. He was stopped by Tamaki.

"And what took you-"

"Shut it, milord. I'm here and not in the mood to deal with you." With that Tamaki appeared in his 'corner again and Hikaru sat down next to Kaoru. He gave a glare to the twin then began talking to the girls asking him the same questions they had been asking Kaoru.

Haruhi watched the scene with the rest of the room. 'What's his problem?' She wonders, seeing Hikaru getting annoyed quickly by the questions. She was then poked by one of her guests and her attention went back to the other females around her.

Kaoru looked to his brother, a bit of fear surrounded him as he saw his brother was still bothered by the 'Z.A.P.'. He wondered if he shouldn't have him do it but what other choice did he have if he wanted Hikaru to tell Haruhi his feelings. Kaoru just had to get him to do it somehow...
The meeting had finally ended and all the girls left, all calling their chauffers to pick them up. The boys and Haruhi were all getting their things together to head home as well. Hikaru was just about ready when a voice whispered into his ear.

"Hikaru, you read it before the time, you have to do it." Hikaru was ready to turn around and yell but thought better of it and kept quiet. Kaoru, seeing his brother was ignoring him, pouted and whispered again.

"Hikaru, you have to do it! It's part of the rules of the game!" Kaoru yelled in a whisper in the other twins ear.

"No!" Hikaru whispered back.

Kaoru, getting annoyed by his brother, whispered again,"Hikaru, you need to!"

"No! You lied and said it had nothing to do with Haruhi or the Host Club or else I wouldn't have read it!" Hikaru quietly yelled back, his back still to his brother.

"Hikaru! If you don't do it now then when? When are you finally going to gain some courage and confess to-" Hikaru then stood faster then Kaoru could comprehend and yelled louder then Kaoru had ever heard.

"I'm not going to tell Haruhi I love her!!!"

Frozen. Hikaru couldn't tell wether it was just his imagination or if he really had just screamed that. He looked down at his brother who was sitting, looking shocked at the outburst. His golden eyes then traveled around the room and rested on each of the other hosts. Tamaki looked frozen as well, complete and utter shock in the 'lord's' face. Kyouya looked a bit surprised, staring at the red head. Mori had a small hint of shock in his monotone face. Huni stared with wide eyes and stopped eating the cake in front of him. And Haruhi stared, her already wide brown eyes were larger than normal and she looked surprised and shocked at the boy. Hikaru could only hear the thudding of his heart as it beat loudly and uncontrollably. He couldn't believe he had just yelled that. In front of Kaoru. In front of his friends. In front of Haruhi...

He finally blinked and turned and ran out of the room. He could hear Kaoru calling him, yelling for him, asking where he was going. Hikaru just ignored the voice and kept running. He never looked back, he couldn't. He didn't want to see any of their faces anymore, especially hers. He didn't want to see all the looks of shock again.

He had no idea where he was heading, just that he was going somewhere away from all of them. Away so they couldn't say anything about his outburst. Away from her rejection.

He finally stopped, his legs aching and looked around. He had reached the rose garden. He breathed heavily and walked up into the white gazebo. It held two chairs and a table that matched its color. Hikaru sighed as he sat into one of the little chairs. He looked around. The garden was beautiful, full of bushes of sparkling red roses. He gave an admiring look.

His heart jumped and he gasped as footsteps were heard coming his way. The sound of about 5 or 6 pairs of feet crunching in the grass not to far away could be heard and Hikaru couldn't believe they had come looking for him. He quickly jumped out of his chair and off the gazebo and bolted, running into the gardens maze. He could hear the footsteps following him but some disappearing and now the only ones he could hear were one pair of two feet. He could hear little voices of each of the hosts far off but couldn't hear the voice of the person coming his way. The spiky haired boy turned a corner and could see far off another gazebo that held chairs and a table. The table was covered with cloth and Hikaru grew an idea. He bolted under the cloth and crouched, his knees up to his chest and arms wrapped around them. If the person couldn't find him maybe they and everyone else would go away that way he only had to deal with Kaoru when he got home. He could her the footsteps pass and his heart beat at a fast pace. They soon stopped a short ways away from the gazebo and breathing could be heard. He couldn't hear their breathing much to see who it could be because his heart was beating uncontrollably. Footsteps again.

'Please, don't look under here.' The footsteps were coming his way and he tried to steady his breathing. They were coming closer, growing louder. Hikaru closed his eyes, hoping, praying they wouldn't look underneath the sheet.

'Just go away already!' He yelled at them in his mind, wishing he could through his voice. The steps finally stopped and he couldn't hear anything but the sound of thudding coming from his heart. It was quiet. Nothing. Hikaru was ready to open his eyes and look out to see if the coast was clear but stopped the thought when the sound of the table cloth being grabbed and pulled entered his ears. His heart beat fast again, afraid to look at the person. He could feel their presence bend down in front of him and felt their hand lightly touch his.


His heart stopped.

"Har-Haruhi?" He mumbled opening his eyes which were now hidden along with his whole face behind his hair and folded up knees.

Haruhi stared at the unmoving Hikaru. She had worry in her brown eyes as she scooted closer to him and sat next to him and folding her legs up like he was.

"Hikaru, why did you run away? And what did you mean by you're not going to tell me you love me?"

Hikaru kept quiet not wanting to tell her. Not wanting to tell his feelings. Trying to keep from confessing. It was hard when he knew she was watching and waiting for him to answer. He then remembered his conversation with Kaoru last night.

'You need to tell her. You can't keep going day by day watching as that idiot gets closer and closer to her. Hikaru, you don't realize it now but if the two do get together you are going to be more broken than you already are. I know how much you care for Haruhi, I see how you act towards her, I listen to the way you talk about her. Hikaru, you need to tell her how you feel.'

'What if she rejects me? What if she acts differently towards me? What if... what if she doesn't want to... to be friends anymore..?'

'You never know until you try.'

Hikaru knew Kaoru was right. He needed to tell Haruhi, not keep holding back all the time. Even if he was rejected he needed to tell her.

He finally sighed and answered the brunette.

"Haruhi, I love you." He could feel the look of confusion she was giving him and let out another sigh. He finally lifted his face and looked at her. Tear streaks rested on his cheeks and he had watery, glassy eyes. Haruhi stared, concerned now.

"Hikaru, are you-" But she was cut off.

"Haruhi, I've loved you for a long time now. And not a brother-sister love, I mean love love. Haruhi I'm in love with you. I think you are the smartest, most beautiful girl I've ever seen. It hurts seeing you with Tamaki because he makes so many advances towards you and I never know wether you'll finally accept them and become his. Even if you reject me here and now and even though it will hurt, it will feel better because I actually told you my feelings." Hikaru felt as if a weight had been lifted off his chest after the confession but he still hurt, waiting for the rejection. All he saw was Haruhi staring at him with a blank look. He sighed and looked away, knowing she didn't understand. Hikaru then crawled out from under the table and looked down at the girl, her eyes watching him. His eyes were sad and his face expression was hurt.

"I knew you wouldn't understand but at least I told you." And with that he turned and began to walk away.


The red head stopped, hearing the brunettes voice calling him. He didn't turn around but listened. Haruhi crawled out and stood, looking at him.

"Did you really mean that you love me?"

Hikaru finally turned around and looked at her, giving a sad smile and nodding. Haruhi's heart fluttered a little and she smiled a small but strong smile.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Hikaru blushed and looked away.

"I was afraid of rejection." Haruhi blinked at this and smiled a little more, closing her eyes.

"Well you should've because I wouldn't have rejected you because Hikaru, I love you too."

Hikaru's heart fluttered and he looked back at her, the blush still there and his eyes and mouth wide open. He gave a light gasp as Haruhi's eyes open and she gives an adorable look. Hikaru was shocked at first but soon smiled admirably and began stepping forward.

"Really?" Hikaru says, sounding breathless. Haruhi nods folding her hands in front of her. Hikaru's heart flew at her answer and before either knew he bolted forward and wrapped his arms around her. He held her in a light but meaningful hug. It took Haruhi a moment to comprehend but soon she had a large smile and hugged him back.

Another familiar red head appeared a little away and looked at the two. Shock covered his curious face then a huge smile. He fist-pumped into the air and quietly cheered.

'I knew it would work!!' He then stopped and slowly backed up and fast walked back to the others.
About 30 minutes had passed and the host club with the exception of Hikaru and Haruhi stood at the entrance of the rose gardens maze. Tamaki was held by Mori to keep from bolting inside to look for Haruhi. Kyouya was writing in his black book while Huni kept asking why Kaoru held a large, bright smile. Everyone's eyes looked up to see two teenagers walking their way out of the garden, holding hands. Huni and Kaoru gave gushing looks as Kyouya smirks and goes back to writing and Mori gave a small smile. Tamaki went to yell and protest about the scene but was quieted by Kaoru shoving a random rag into his mouth. Hikaru and Haruhi smiled with loving looks and looked at each other. Their eyes sparkled and they followed the others as everyone began to walk, Hikaru squeezing her hand and happy Kaoru had written that 'Z.A.P.' on him.
Yay!! It's finally done! XD I am so-so-SO SORRY if anyone is OOC!! DX I wrote this at like 2 in the morning so give me a break! DX I think i could've made the end better but besides that I'm pretty happy. :3 Comment and fave!! <3
Ready the bottom of it!!!
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